Having good knowledge about a topic can give you a competitive edge in various situations, from esports titles to sports and even mind games. In order to get better, there is always that quest for knowledge that pushes us to become better, to strive to break through our limitations.
In chess, like in other games, knowledge can help us win. While some simply like to practice, play and think, others take another step and learn about the history of chess, but more notably, they learn about chess openings. An opening will not win you a game, but you can throw your opponent off guard.
Here are the best chess openings that you should know.
King’s Indian Defense and Attack
These two openings will depend on whether you are the white or the black player. If you are the white player, then you will be attacking, while the black player will be defending.

The two are very similar, except that the white player has some extra tempo. They are very comfortable openings for both players, not exposing the kings too much and allowing for a solid castle, before the game starts to become interesting.
Most openings start with a d4 and e4 moves, but this one doesn’t; it is either a f3 or a g3, or a corresponding move for the black player.
The first ten moves should be relatively safe for both players, which makes this a great opening if you want to approach the game at a slower pace.
The London System
This is an attacking opening, meaning that the white player typically employs this strategy. It is a relatively simple strategy that positions the white player so that they will have a comfortable time attacking. The opening involves moving the pawn from d2 to d4, and the bishop from c1 to f4. Later, as the black player moves, the white player would commonly move their knight from g1 to f3.
The system allows for the white player to comfortably position their pieces before committing to a full on attack, meaning having a solid castle.
The Queen’s Gambit
Yes, this is a chess opening and while it is also a TV show, the opening is more important, obviously. It has also recently become a lot more popular, thanks to the eponymous TV show, of course.

It is a simple opening that looks bad but it is typically great for the white player. It means moving their pawns to c4 and d4, usually exposing them to the black player’s pawn. While the pawn might get captured, the black player’s pawn will also be captured, while exposing the player’s other pieces.
It is a great opening, but it takes a little know-how to be implemented to your benefit.
The French Defense
This is the most common defense method when the white player moves their pawn to e4. The black player would move their pawn to e6, thus making the game really complicated for the white player.
This is a rather good defense that doesn’t leave anything up for grabs. However, it limits the offensive approach of the black player, because their bishop in the light square will not naturally be able to move due to the pawn in e6.
Chess has a plethora of great openings and these are some of them. Learn them if you want to have a competitive advantage or be able to rival any good player.